Case Results

Case Results

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Abuse Cases

  • Child was removed from family home by Oregon Department of Human Services and put in a foster care home. DHS failed to provide child’s medications to new foster parents or inform them as to her medical issues. The child later died. Settled for 1.25 million;
  • Infant was removed from stable home and placed with maternal grandmother despite reports that grandmother had addiction problems and was physically unable to care for infant. Infant type within three days of placement with grandmother. State settled for $725,000.
  • The young child was placed in foster home with older foster boy who later sexually abused child. Obtained $420,000 for child.
  • Child Protective Services failed to remove child from biological mother despite close to 20 reports of child neglect. Obtained $300,000 for child.
  • Sisters were sexually abused one time at childcare center. Obtained a large six figure settlement from childcare center.
  • Represented a down syndrome child that was sexually abused by a foster boy. Obtained $325,000 for child.
  • Represented adult who was abused 20 years earlier by a family member. Obtained high 6-digit settlement on client’s behalf.

Non-Abuse Cases

  • Represented estate of man who died at sea on a fishing boat due to alleged failure of life raft and absence of accessible life jackets. Obtained close to 7-digit recovery.
  • Represented client who received catastrophic injuries due to drunk driver. Obtained mid-6-digit settlement from bar where driver had been drinking.
  • Represented paraplegic client who broke wrist when his wheelchair was struck by defendant. Obtained 6-figure settlement.
  • Represented client involved in a car accident which led to back surgery. Obtained large 6-figure recovery.
  • Represented a client painting a friend’s home when scaffolding collapsed and he broke his elbow. Recovered close to $400,000.
  • Represented client that was struck by bus while jogging and suffered a concussion. 6-figure recovery.
  • Represented woman involved in a T-bone accident and suffered soft-tissue injury to her back that never fully healed. Received an award of $150,000.


Vehicle Accident Cases in Oregon

Truck Accident: A client was rear-ended by a semi-truck while stopped on the highway. The accident caused severe injuries forcing the client to retire because he was no longer able to physically handle the work. Paul engaged both a local trucking expert who was the former president of the state’s trucking association as well as a vocational economist expert to investigate the case.

It was discovered that both the company and driver violated several FMCSA regulations, including failure to properly maintain the truck, failure to train drivers and violation of daily driver hour limits. Ultimately, the case resolved with an undisclosed six figure settlement for the client. See our resource on what to do after a truck accident.

Bicycle Accident: Paul recently had a bike accident case where his client was hit by a car turning left as the client was crossing the intersection from the opposite direction. Sadly, his client suffered a traumatic brain injury and did not remember a single fact from the accident. And the only witness was the driver, who of course claimed client was at fault. But using local and state bike laws, an accident reconstructionist expert, and aggressive cross-examination of the driver, Paul was still able to recreate what happened anyway.

He successfully proved the driver was at fault. Paul’s client went from getting nothing to being compensated for her medical costs, property costs and pain and suffering. See our resources on rights bikers have in Oregon.

Negligence Cases in Oregon

Man Scalded By Hot Bath at Hotel – Client was staying at a hotel. He drew a bath and got in. Turned out the water was scalding and he received third degree burns over 70% of his body. Other personal injury attorneys rejected his case, stating that he should have tested the water first. Paul Galm took the case and had the plumbing at hotel inspected. Turned out the hotel had removed a safety device on the water heater to save money, even though it was required by code. Client healed and returned to normal after about a year. The case was settled for six-digits. See our premises liability and negligence resources.

Woman Scarred During Laser Hair Removal – Client received a laser hair removal treatment from a local Oregon business. During the treatment, she was burned by the laser and her burns turned into permanent discoloration and scarring down her leg. The injury attorneys at Paul Galm’s office did extensive research into the rules, regulations and guidelines for the laser hair removal industry and the specific laser equipment used and determined that the laser tech was negligent in her training and use of the laser machine.