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Dog Bite? You Have Legal Recourse

Dogs have long been considered man’s best friend, but not all canines are friendly. What recourse do you have if you are the victim of a dog attack due to an incompetent owner with an aggressive pet? Read on for important legal information from Portland personal injury lawyer Paul Galm.

How Common Are Dog Bites?

According to the Insurance Information Institute, more than one third of all liability claims on homeowner’s insurance policies are due to dog bites. Insurance providers paid nearly half a billion dollars for dog bite claims in 2013 alone, an increase of nearly three percent from ten years prior. One of the most sobering dog bite statistics comes from Dogsbite.org, an advocacy organization for dog-bite victims, which states that some dog attacks can lead to medical treatment costing as much as $250,000!

Who Is Responsible, and for What?

Dog owners are responsible for the victim’s medical bills, lost income, property damage, and any pain and suffering incurred. If their dog has previously injured someone, or if they have violated local leash laws, they can be held liable for punitive damages.

Will Homeowner’s Insurance Cover the Settlement?

Homeowner’s Insurance policies will not always cover the settlement in a dog bite. Many have a “one-bite rule,” whereby insurers will pay for the first dog bite incidence, but if another occurs, the policy will either be canceled or a “canine exclusion” will be added, and the dog owner must pay out of pocket. Additionally, many insurance companies have dog breed exclusion lists and refuse to pay damages for dog bites from certain breeds.

Who Can I Turn to for Help?

If you or a loved one has been injured by a dog bite and you believe a person’s negligence led to the attack, the law is on your side. Portland personal injury attorney Paul Galm has helped many victims of dog bites and other dog attacks, and he can do the same for you. He will use his expertise and resources to guide you through the legal process and help you file a personal injury claim. Paul Galm can help you get the restitution you deserve by working with the insurance companies on your behalf so you can focus on your recovery and well-being. Contact Paul Galm Law today for your free consultation.

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Paul’s clients rate his service as superb, and while he has won millions for those clients, he is set apart by his personal approach. Paul is a thoughtful, dedicated lawyer who shows genuine care about the people he represents, which is why the majority of his cases are word of mouth referrals from former clients. Call Paul any time for a free consultation – he promises that when you hang up the phone you will feel like you are in good, loyal hands. Once you are Paul’s client, you are a client for life.