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Common Boating Accident Causes and How to Avoid Them

Nothing beats Oregon in the summer, but along with the sunny weather comes an increase in outdoor injuries. This guide from wrongful death attorney Paul Galm explores common watercraft accident causes so you can learn more about how to prevent boat accidents and accidental drownings this summer.

Excessive Speed

Just like roads, different areas have different speed limits to help keep boaters and swimmers safe in the water. When boat operators reach high speeds, they have less time to react to obstacles. While going fast can lead to dangerous collisions with other boats, reckless speeds while turning can also cause passengers to be thrown from the boat, which can lead to serious injuries or accidental drowning. This is especially true for passengers who are knocked unconscious or are not wearing a life jacket.

Navigational Negligence

In addition to speed limits, there are other navigational rules boaters must adhere to, including specific rules for power boats, sail boats, fishing boats, etc. Boat operators need to be confident about what to do in crossing and overtaking situations, including knowing how to alert other boats of their intentions.

Impaired Operation

Boating under the influence can be incredibly dangerous, not just for the operator, but for other passengers on the boat. In fact, Oregon has a Boating Under the Influence (BUI) law that prohibits people from operating a watercraft while impaired by a controlled substance or with a BAC of .08% or greater.

Equipment Failure

Practicing proper boat maintenance can help keep you and passengers safe while out in the water. A boat in proper condition is less likely to capsize, swamp, or breakdown in open water, which can lead to accidental drowning and other accidents.

Poor Weather Conditions

While many boating accidents occur during nice weather and calm conditions, you still need to be sure that you check weather conditions and forecasts to help keep you and your passengers out of danger. Be aware of any incoming stormfronts, increased winds, or conditions causing poor visibility. Even carrying an old-fashioned radio on-board for weather updates can make a big difference when conditions turn questionable.

In addition to avoiding these common boat accident causes, it’s important that you wear a life jacket, keep your center of gravity low and avoid overloading your boat so you don’t experience capsizing, swamping, or accidental drownings. If you or someone you love was injured or killed in a boat accident as the result of negligencecontact Portland personal injury attorney Paul Galm today.

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Paul’s clients rate his service as superb, and while he has won millions for those clients, he is set apart by his personal approach. Paul is a thoughtful, dedicated lawyer who shows genuine care about the people he represents, which is why the majority of his cases are word of mouth referrals from former clients. Call Paul any time for a free consultation – he promises that when you hang up the phone you will feel like you are in good, loyal hands. Once you are Paul’s client, you are a client for life.