Pursuing a serious car accident case is not as simple as it seems. Catastrophic car and truck wrecks can be caused by many factors, which can be used in determining whether an individual will receive maximum compensation or award if the case goes to court. For drivers, it is of paramount importance to ensure that a thorough and well-timed investigation occurs to assess the car crash scene before the vehicles are removed. At Galm Law, we are always ready to react to any major car wreck and will consult with you on your next course of action for the best results.
Unfortunately, the insurance company does not always have your best interests in mind when conducting investigations or making settlement offers between the parties involved. If you have been injured in a rear-end collision, head-on collision, drunk driving accident or other car crash, we will use our skill and experience to seek maximum compensation on your behalf, including compensation for:
• Medical bills
• Lost wages
• Physical pain and suffering
• Mental pain and suffering
• Scarring and disfigurement
• Loss of enjoyment of life
• Disability
With a skilled car accident lawyer on your side, we can also handle personal injury and wrongful death cases arising from motorcycle accidents, 18 wheeler and semi truck accidents, pedestrian and bicycle wrecks, and other motor vehicle accidents. If you suffered serious injuries such as brain injuries or spinal cord injuries, or are suffering from the wrongful death of a loved one in a tragic car wreck, an experienced law firm is an invaluable ally. Contact us today for more information or for a free consultation.